
Two sisters, two different lives pt.25

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While the professor was explaining things he turned his attention to the tablet then to Yugi. He could see Britt's attention was split between listening and the boy in her arms, he couldn't blame her.

“I believe the Pharaoh was reborn when you put the puzzle together. The fact that he has found Britt, who really has been reborn into this time. It brings that hypothesis to be true, but not only that we have the Prince of Egypt reborn among us to.” Professor Hawkins said

“With this light of evidence it seems that the Pharaoh is destined for being reborn like them somehow.” Rebecca said

“Prince of Egypt?!” Tea said

“yes, the first heir of the Pharaoh to be exact. I've done research on the children, to be exact there was four children. A boy, then twin girls and then another boy.” Mr. Hawkins said

This caught Britt's attention on the heirs,even Yami was beside Yugi listening. He looked over at Britt seeing her holding Rei and a little smirk formed.

“Professor, one of the guys had a stone around their neck.” He said, then went over to Britt and carefully took it off of her.

“H-How'd that thing get around my neck?” Britt asked

“Yami placed it there to try and keep you safe but we need to know more about it.” Yugi told her as he took it over to Professor Hawkins who examined it.

“May I take it with me, I'd like to examine it closer.” Mr. Hawkins said

Britt and Yugi both nod to say ok to Professor Hawkins. Soon they all headed out of the museum, Rebecca was hugging up on Yugi's arm. Britt snicked a little as she watched Tea being jealous of this, but overheard Mr. Motou say he was taking Rebecca and Mr. Hawkins to the airport.

“Alright, well I'll keep Rei with me.” Britt said to Mr. Motou

“good bye cutie.” Rebecca said and kissed his cheek then went into the cab. She got in the cab and said tata then the door closed.

Just when I thought things were bad, they get ten times worse. Yugi thought

yes, they'll get awhole lot worse if we don't do something. Yami said

Suddenly both the bracelet and the puzzle had a slight glow upon them. Britt and Yugi both heard a cry for help and they looked around.

“Did you hear someone call for help?” Yugi asked

“I did.” Britt said

Rei was laying his head on her shoulder asleep while in her arms, Britt knew danger was out there counting on her and Yami to save it. Protecting Rei was a priority no matter what danger was out there. To them though the surroundings there was no one there, but as they looked the sun was going down so everyone went home.

When her and Yugi walked in, Britt went to lay Rei down for the night. She then went to go to her own bed but was stopped by an arm around her waist. She looked up to see who'd stopped her to meet eyes with her Pharaoh.

“Hey.” Britt said

“Hi, sorry but I wanted to do this before you went to bed.” He said and kissed her.

She kissed him back and knew it was a good night kiss, when they parted she giggled a little. She didn't mind staying at Yugi's away from her brother, though at times she missed her sister Nana. Yami knew this which is why he'd planned for tomorrow her to see her sister. After that he let her go and she went to bed, not long after Yami had switched with Yugi who went to his own bed to sleep. Only neither one could sleep that night with the information.

Brittania was beside Britt when she couldn't sleep and looked at her “Can't sleep?” Brittania said

“You're part of me, you know that I can't. So much relys on us.” Britt said

“And the Pharaoh. He's part of this, but we're apart of it too.” Brittania said

Britt sat up and looked at her “what happens to you when I fully remember?” Britt asked her

Brittania frown “I become part of you permanently and there's not two of us.” She said

Upstairs, Yugi and Yami were having a similar conversation except not quite the same. Soon though everyone went to sleep but Britt and Yugi were having problems sleeping. For each was hearing something.

Pharaoh we need you, we need your help. Yugi heard while he was asleep.

My Queen, we need your help beside the Pharaoh. Britt heard while in her sleep.

Both the puzzle and the bracelet glowed, when Yugi showed up in the puzzle Yami looked at him hearing the voice call for help so they went to investigate. Same went for Britt and Brittania, so they went to investigate as well. When they showed up in the same area Brittania fuzed with Britt so there was just one of them, so when she showed up where Yugi and Yami were she knew it was something to do with the three of them. Yami went over to Britt and took her hand once they noticed a darkness not far off.

“that's not good to see.” Britt said

“No, it's not.” Yami said

Suddenly there was a white glow around the three of them and they went into the castle, Yami kept hold of Britt then held Yugi's arm when they landed. They were amazed to see dragons frozen , then they heard a voice say “you're here.”

When they looked back the three of them were surprised to see Dark Magician girl, she explained everything to them about how the monsters world and human world have been side by side, that they depend on each other to survive and the beast that threatened to destroy that survival.

“we need your help.” Dark Magician girl said

“we'll help,” Yami said

“All of us, will help.” Britt added

yeah, but how? What are we supposed to do to stop this giant monster?” Yugi asked Dark Magician girl

Dark magician girl floated up by the dragons and explained the three dragons were protectors of the monster world. That they defeated the great beast ten thousand years ago when it first appeared but that they payed a price and now they're frozen in time unable to defend the world like they had in the past. Yami went up where Dark Magician girl was, making sure Britt stayed with him since the thing outside he didn't trust.

“How can we help?” Yami asked

“The legend states three brave warriors will release the dragons when they are needed again. Pharaoh I believe you are one of these brave warriors.” Dark Magician girl said

“I see, but why did you pull Britt here if she's not one of these warriors.” Yami asked

“She has her own powerful dragon, Goddess's pet Dragon. She's also the powerful heiress of Anuket who fought belong side you during your days as Pharaoh so calling her here was to inform her on the evil to come.” Dark Magician girl said

Yami nod and let Britt's hand go for a moment. “ready yugi?” Yami asked and Yugi nod. They both reached for the sword to try to pull it out. When it came out Britt was surprised but she stayed watching, Yami took her hand again just as the crystal broke.

“You've released Tameaus, now as soon as you call his name you and Teamaus will be linked.” Dark Magician girl said

“Tameaus!” Yugi and Yami said

“it's worked now, join forces.” Dark Magician girl said

Yami let go of Britt so it wouldn't fuze with her too then he reached his hand out as Yugi did the same. Next thing they knew there was a blinding light and when both Yugi and Britt awakened they looked around. Yugi noticed a strange light above his room and ran out the door after he had gotten dressed Britt got up and followed seeing that he was going somewhere, whatever it was she knew right away it was bad.

“what's happening?” Yugi asked his grandpa
“Those monsters are caught in that strange light.” Mr. Motou answered

“It's happening.” Britt and Yugi said as they both rushed down the street.

Who would of thought this all would of happened? A normal life is for an average person, guess that means I'm not average and neither is Yugi. Britt thought

They met up with their friends, watching and even Britt knew this was bad. When it came down to seeing that eye again she couldn't move, so when all their friends except her and Yugi ran, she shielded herself. Yugi knew this was bad but when he saw a glow on his deck, he pulled the card out and summoned Timaeus, Britt was surprised and watched as it protected everyone. Dark Magician girl came and told them it was just the beginning and that the beast will return stronger.

How is my Goddess's pet dragon supposed to help? I'm only apart of this because of yami. Britt thought

When they went home, she yawned exhausted and they went back to bed once home. When the next day came they were all sitting around a laptop watching the sightings. Rei had came in and fallen asleep on Britt's lap. Britt kept an arm around him protectively, then suddenly they heard a knock on the door. When they all looked back they saw Mr. Motou who brought in a package that he brought in and handed it to Yugi.

Yugi took a look at it to see who it was from “From the office of Maximilian J. Pegasus” Yugi read. Everyone freaked out hearing that it was from Pegasus, When Yugi opened it there was a tape and a card. Everyone was fighting over whether to pay the tape or not. Yami had made the final decision without anyone really knowing, so Yugi played the tape. Britt knew this was something even she had to see.

“Hello Yugi-boy, I'm sure Britt-girl is there with you it's been so long. You both never call, you never write and after all we've been through together you could at least send an email.” He said on the video.

Britt couldn't forget the time at duelist kingdom, it was the first time she'd experienced her items power and her first entrance in a shadow game.

“Now unless you've both been living under a rock the past two days, I'm sure you know duel monsters are running a muck all around this world of ours. Luckily for me, Kaiba-boy has been taking most of the heat for this. Of course, I know who's really behind this.” Pegasus said

Britt was watching but Joey would make small comments which she heard his worry in his voice. She couldn't deny this worried her too.

As they listened to Pegasus explaining he couldn't leave any information on the video, she wondered if this was a trap but she could see Pegasus seemed really worried. Rei was still asleep so she picked him up as she stood up.

“So what do we do?” Britt asked

“I'm going.” Yugi said

“Then I'm coming with you.” Britt said

“Hey, what about Rei?” Joey asked her and she looked over at him and smiled. “My sisters will watch him.” Britt said

Britt went and made arrangements for Rei, she wanted to keep him out of this as much as possible. So she left him with Nana, giving her instructions to hide with him if any danger came. Nana could see the seriousness in her eyes and nod.

“I'll be back for him as soon as I can. I promise.” Britt said, she kissed his forehead then left to meet with the others.

Rei, your safety is my first priority. I have to save the world with your father. Britt thought

It was the night before they were to leave and Britt was packing her thing, she worried about leaving Rei but knew he was in good hands. She sighed but then after she was done packing she felt someone behind her. When she looked back she saw it was Yami but without the puzzle.

“oh you're bad. Yugi is gonna figure it out.” Britt said

Yami pulled her close to him and she relaxed. “we're traveling tomorrow. So we'll stay together tonight.” Yami said.

“Put the puzzle back on first.” She said

He picked her up without answering her then led her away from her suitcase. “hey” Britt said surprised

“Relax.” He told her

no memory or not, this feels familiar. Britt thought

The night went by so fast, Britt was asleep even when they had to get up. She didn't like early mornings at all. Yugi woke her up and she fought her sleepiness to get ready after he left the room. She went and got her suitcase then went to meet with the others. Mr. Motou was there to see them off, Nana had called Britt for Rei to talk to before she got on the plane. They waved bye then went to a window looking out, Britt was in awe except one thing she swallowed hard.

“Britt are you ok?” Yugi asked

“Y-Yeah, fine.” Britt said

she's afraid of heights.. Yami thought to Yugi who noticed it too.

Suddenly three men walked toward them and asked if one of them was Yugi. When Yugi walked forward the man in charge told the other two to carry everyones luggage. When they got on, Britt noticed there was a lot of room. She went and took a seat, placing her head on the table. Yugi was originally sitting by Joey and the others but then he had Joey move so he could go over and sit across from Britt. He placed a hand on hers which made her look up, by then they'd taken off.

“hey, it'll be alright. You've flown before.” Yugi said

Britt nod “I fell asleep during the plane ride last time.” Britt said, suddenly she noticed a portal and Bre come out of it.

“Show off.” Britt said

Bre laughed a little “Sorry, this time travel thing is kinda fun.” Bre said

She went and took a seat over by Joey as they relaxed, when dinner arrived they were each given something to eat. Joey and Tristan filled Bre in on what was going on with the world. Bre didn't like it and knew her trip back to the future would have to wait. She looked at Britt seeing something wasn't right as Britt was picking at her food.

She's picking at her food, but then she doesn't like flying much. Bre thought

Later when it was time for everyone to sleep, Britt was out after she got the cover over her. Bre couldn't sleep though as she thought about what could be going on with Britt. A smile crept up but she figured it was a theory, Britt could of easily been getting sick of just being up in the air. When the plane landed, Britt yawned feeling better. She got out with everyone else, then they all went to the car. Tea had a bag sent back that wasn't theirs and then they all got in.

“so, seems there's a lot going on.” Bre said

“Yeah, you could say that.” Yugi said to her

“We'll figure it out and stop this evil, then take care of getting our memories back.” Britt said

Britt looked out the window watching the buildings go by, Brittania knew she was worried about everything. They had a lot to do in so little time that it didn't make much sense. When they got as far as view point of the golden gate Bridge, Joey was looking out at it. When the vehichle suddenly stopped everyone wondered what was going on and why they had stopped. The driver was walking away. After 20 minutes of waiting for the driver to come back, Britt and Bre got out of the car to start looking around followed by the others. They looked all over but the driver was no where to be seen.

“This is bad.” Britt said, right before they could hear a sound approaching.

When a bunch of bikers showed up Joey pushed Tea behind him, Tristan pulled Bre back behind him to protect her. Britt was ready for a fight until she was pulled back by Yami and put behind him. She understood why, she was a girl like Tea and Bre. When they all turned to run to the car, the bikers ran around them and corned them. Yami, Joey and Tristan blocking the three girls from harm still the best they could. The bikers picked up pipes and circled around them running the pipes on the ground as they were about to attack. Britt saw one get hit with a card,next she saw another biker on a pink motorcycle coming and saw the person throw 2 more cards hitting two more of the guys.

Yami grabbed Britt's hand as Tristan grabbed Tea's then headed to the car. Bre followed behind while Joey was behind her, then he stopped and picked up one of the cards. Though he didn't have it for long as the other biker took it from him. He watched and swore he though it was Mai.

Once Joey was in the car, Tristan started driving the car away before the gas station exploded. Britt, Yami and Tea looked back as it exploded then looked forward. Joey was watching and smiled when mai was safe.

“so who just saved us?” Tea asked

“Mai did. I saw her.” Joey said

“Mai?” Britt asked

why do I have a bad feeling from this? Britt thought

soon the car stopped from overheating, Britt sighed as they got out getting their things then started walking. They were all fine til Joey and Tristan started fighting,once the fight was broke up Britt and Tea pushed the boys behind and had Bre watch as a truck was coming. Then they went out, Britt took off her jacket and tossed it to Bre as they were trying to get a ride. The truck stopped for them, Yami didn't like Britt's tactic to get it to stop but at least she wasn't fighting with Tea. The guy waved to them saying Hi, before the boys and Britt's sister came out. Bre handed Britt her jacket which she put on.

“thanks Bre.” Britt said

“was that necessary?” Yami asked her and she shrugged as they got in the back of the truck.

There was talking while on the truck ride, Britt sighed and relaxed but Yami pulled her close to him. Britt looked up and she knew this was a way of keeping her his, though it wasn't that hard because of the engagement. She smiled some though and yawned.

“Busy day.” Britt said

“so, you were quick to take off the jacket Britt.” Joey said

Britt shrugged “It was to get us a ride. Tea could of easily done it herself, personally I think she's the reason the guy stopped.” Britt said

“Why not for you?” Tristan said

“I'm spoken for.” Britt said

“yes, you both are destined for each other like your past.” Bre said to her sister.
YGO, ygo 5d's @ Kazuki Takahashi
Britt, Bre,Rei @ :iconqueenbrittstalin:
Cover made by :iconqbatgirlq:

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